“When the bees become extinct, humanity will soon become extinc.”

– Albert Einstein –

About US

Because life is full of unpredictable circumstances, it can also be an obstacle to the opportunity for a fresh start. Thus began my beekeeping story in 2015, with two bee families that quickly transformed from a hobby and love of nature into a business idea. 

I became a member of the local beekeeping association, obtained a certificate of knowledge for beginner beekeepers, trained in the field of guidelines for good hygiene habits in beekeeping, bee health and apitechnical measures.

I am fascinated by the fact that I am constantly fulfilling my knowledge, engaging in noble activity and helping to preserve the bees that are so closely linked to the existence of ourselves.



We produce quality and safe honey. Production is supervised by beekeepers in accordance with the guidelines of good hygienic habits in beekeeping, which are based on the principles of the HACCP system. Our honey reaches the consumer almost directly from the beehive, so its quality is also preserved. Liquid honey does not spoil, it can only crystallize into a solid state.


Honey is a sweet and liquid liquid produced by bees and other insects from flower nectar or from manna secreted by beaked insects. Pure honey should not contain any additives, such as water or other sweeteners. Liquid honey does not spoil, it can only crystallize into a solid state.


Modern beekeeping is based on knowledge in the practical field, as well as in the field of flawless production of bee products. Our honey does not contain added sugars or other substances that do not belong in honey. We are included in the SMGO scheme, which guarantees customers that they have bought natural, genuine honey produced in Slovenia, which meets all the criteria prescribed by applicable legislation. You can recognize it by the label, which in its content, in addition to the current serial number, also bears the European trademark of the protected geographical indication. It gives consumers the assurance that they are really buying a quality product.